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Transport from San Diego:  Limited shuttle space is available, departing from San Diego Airport at 1030am on November 4th and returning at 6pm on November 5th.  Please complete the shuttle survey if you would like to coordinate a shuttle ride.





Hotel accommodations:  Rooms are reserved at Harrah's Rincon Casino hotel.  Please follow the following link to reserve your room at the convergence rate:






Camping:  Camping spots are available at Solidarity Farm for the evenings of November 4th and 5th.  Please click on the following link to reserve your space and clarify any equipment you'll need to borrow. 





Scholarship recipients:  Please fill out the following survey so that we can place you in an appropriate room and secure the appropriate meals.





Pre-Conference Field Trips:  All field trips will meet at Pauma Tribal Farms/Solidarity Farm at 12pm on November 4th.  Please reserve your space through Eventbrite.  Details are on the Field Day Page.    


Opening Evening:  All convergence delegates should utilize Eventbrite to secure a reduced rate or scholarship ticket to the Opening Event: Growing Resilience.  Seating will be limited to those with tickets, so please follow the link on the Opening Event Page.


Event Meals:  Breakfast and Lunch must be purchased in advance by all Convergence attendees who have not received scholarships.  To purchase a meal ticket, please click the meal button below.  Delegates are also more than welcome to bring their own food. 




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